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14252018-11-09How to batch extract A1~A5 from txt file to a single file?Text file parser3032
11592013-12-15How to extract all data followed by specified words from many files?Text file parser3851
11582013-12-14How to extract all data like ##.##-##.## from many files?Text file parser3276
8972011-12-19How to extract multiple fields from data file and create a csv file?Text file parser4070
7192011-02-17How to extract the second column from a database text file?Text file parser3920
3562009-10-26How to parse data from the text file and create text with user specified format?Text file parser4576
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace2948
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3285
3952010-01-16How to convert database file into "|" delimitered file?Advanced search and replace3011

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