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14472019-11-02How to split/parse lines into sentences outside two delimiters?Text file parser2621
11292013-09-12How to find the descriptions in text file and enclose them with a pair of tag?Advanced search and replace3134
11272013-09-08How to extract all text that enclosed by and ?Text file parser3212
10842013-06-03How to remove all lines whose 4th column enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Advanced search and replace3322
10502013-02-07How to replace old text with new text only in specified range?Advanced search and replace3443
9972012-08-21How to make ROT13 encryption but ignore text in angular bracket?Replace text in multiple files3671
9732012-07-19How to extract/remove all lines containing an accentued letterAdvanced search and replace3189
9512012-05-23How to remove any word that does not contain character @?Advanced search and replace3241
9342012-04-03How to change the numbering format in a text file to a new format?Advanced search and replace3568
8952011-12-12How to extract all text enclosed by H1 tag from multiple html files?Text file parser5238
8932011-12-03How to count the number of words that started with "en"?Count and statistics3500
7242011-02-24How to remove the first pair of parenthesis and enclosed content in each line?Regular expression replace3504
6552010-11-16How to extract titles from many html files into a txt file?Html text generator5057
6252010-10-09How to remove all question mark that enclosed by title tags?Advanced search and replace3660
5192010-05-24How to extract all text that enclosed by html tag "strong"?Text file parser3468
5142010-05-19How to enclose all the odd number of lines with a pair of tags?Advanced search and replace3429
5112010-05-16How to remove nested html tags that only enclose blank tags or  ?Regular expression replace3673
5102010-05-15How to remove all html tags that enclose nothing or " " ?Regular expression replace3300
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3390
4472010-03-14How to replace a string that not enclosed by specific html tag?Advanced search and replace3153
4302010-02-24How to batch change html filenames with name enclosed by ?Batch file rename3250
3642009-12-11How to batch remove all the text that enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Regular expression replace4135
3442009-07-20How to extract/parse title from many html files and join together?Text file parser3786
3292009-05-07How to enclose with and tags for all words containing "oo"? Advanced search and replace2535
2572008-08-25How to replace text containing some special symbols in a text file?Advanced search and replace3458
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