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14622021-12-30How to set different replace method based on specific word?Advanced search and replace1833
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2485
14042017-10-09How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of specified column?Advanced search and replace3473
14032017-10-03How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of some column?Advanced search and replace2593
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2613
12592014-10-08How to extract links from a web page and add the page title at the end?Text file parser2918
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3840
11072013-07-17How to generate a full list of url that consist of a group of words?Text generator3874
10972013-07-08How to replace the words with its nearest different words in the same column? Advanced search and replace3267
10812013-05-23How to sort the text with digit and non-digit string separated?Text sort3497
10312012-12-07How to insert lines between sentences with specified order?Text merge4148
10162012-10-17How to delete lines that start with duplicate text?Advanced search and replace3292
9952012-08-21How to merge lines with previous lines that ended with backslash?Regular expression replace4015
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5257
9042012-01-18How to split a CSV file with Header according to value of a column?Text file splitter5232
9012012-01-05How to extract distinct webpages from weblog file?Text file parser3774
8742011-10-14How to merge content of column "A" if columns "B" and "C" are duplicate?Text merge3757
8532011-09-12How to replace all duplicate lines with some text?Advanced search and replace3982
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4722
8032011-06-21How to remove all lines that have duplicate contents in CSV files?Advanced search and replace3404
6302010-10-14How to calculate CFMO 15 and CFMO 21 from csv file of stock data?Text data calculation3387
6042010-09-02How to calculate SUM of EMAs and Covariance of close value from stock data?Text data calculation3208
6022010-08-30How to calculate the summaries of different EMA based on close values in stock?Text data calculation3432
5822010-08-06How to calculate Williams %R from stock data?Text data calculation3919
5742010-07-27How to count how many IP addresses with different classes from web logs?Count and statistics3374
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