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14652022-03-31How to calculate each number in a line with different formula?Text data calculation3017
14632022-01-12How to delete specified consecutive chars leading each line?Advanced search and replace3017
14622021-12-30How to set different replace method based on specific word?Advanced search and replace1809
14512020-01-28How to search and capitalize title in multiple HTML files?Replace text in multiple files2924
14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2337
14432019-08-09How to multiply numbers in each line after a certain comma?Advanced search and replace2615
14412019-08-05How to replace specified lines with each line from a file respectively?Advanced search and replace2298
14372019-03-04How to remove phrases not containing any dictionary word?Advanced search and replace2726
14362019-02-26How merge many txt files to a txt file horizontally?Text merge2577
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2459
14322019-01-08How to generate multiple copies of each line with different values? Advanced search and replace2804
14292018-11-22How to extract and format sentences matching given word list?Advanced search and replace2475
14252018-11-09How to batch extract A1~A5 from txt file to a single file?Text file parser3149
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3771
14092017-12-10How to highlight words appeared in same line in another file?Advanced search and replace2726
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2423
14012017-08-21How to sort specified items descendingly in each line?Advanced search and replace2914
14002017-08-18How to find numbers in specified location and sort them?Advanced search and replace2638
13982017-08-02How to add code to the same affix in each line?Advanced search and replace2591
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2591
13902017-02-18How to split a text file with specified start and end line and name?Text file splitter3592
13872017-01-01How to split multiple text files by 100 lines?Text file splitter3448
13862016-12-28How to extract column 1 and 7 from csv files and replace each dash with space?Text file parser3305
13842016-12-05How to insert a separator before the first Chinese char in each line?Advanced search and replace2935
13792016-09-24How to pick up lines containing specified suffix from many files in a folder?Text file parser2882
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