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12852015-03-09How to rename files in batch download?Batch download3156
12062014-05-21How to download all jpg files from the second level webpages?Batch download3998
8492011-09-05How to search all jpg files in subfolders and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace4472
6662010-11-27How to download image files from a serial of html pages?Batch download4495
4652010-04-01How to batch download jpg files that listed in an excel file in order?Batch download22342
3992010-01-18How to batch download images from some html pages and rename all?Batch download4629
3922010-01-15How to copy many files that defined in a list file to another folder?Batch file rename4542
2292008-07-20How to search all jpg files from subdirectory, rename and copy them into a specified directory?Batch file rename4151
2182008-07-10How to download all jpg pictures from a web page, and automatically save as files like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, ...?Batch download4016
1922008-06-17How to download all html and jpg files listed in a webpage?Batch download7655

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