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14652022-03-31How to calculate each number in a line with different formula?Text data calculation2783
14622021-12-30How to set different replace method based on specific word?Advanced search and replace1691
14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2205
13672016-05-23How to extract different part from adjacent lines?Text file parser2654
13512016-03-07How to split English sentence and Chinese sentence into different lines?Advanced search and replace3108
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3226
12802015-02-16How to batch rename files to the specified pattern found in file content?Batch file rename3528
12092014-06-28How to add number at end according to domain name at the begin of line?Advanced search and replace2878
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3649
11332013-09-17How to create some copies of 2 files with specified names?Advanced search and replace3306
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3360
10332012-12-14How to count and sort the occurrance of different lines?Count and statistics3486
9652012-07-03How to replace strings and numbers with new format in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3468
9272012-03-15How to batch rename files by appending the number of lines at the end?Batch file rename4150
9202012-02-13How to add 0 before all 4 digit numbers in multiple filenames?Batch file rename4609
9102012-01-28How to search and replace multiple files with rules different in sequence number?Replace text in multiple files3369
8812011-11-01How to split different groups of continuous numbers into different files?Text file splitter3467
8232011-07-20How to count the number of words with different length in an English article?Count and statistics2948
8212011-07-14How to copy a file 100 times with different name from 1.txt to 100.txt?Text generator5354
7912011-05-30How to count and sort the occurrence of different numbers in a text file?Count and statistics3440
6462010-11-01How to generate 2 columns of HEX numbers which increased in different loop?Text generator3499
6442010-10-31How to combine 2 lists of numbers into 2 columns repeatly?Advanced search and replace3222
5582010-07-07How to parse all the fields in different segment from a text file?Text file parser3428
5002010-05-07How to merge two or more csv files with different columns into one file?Text merge4848
4262010-02-20How to sort the lines in a text files by the order of line length?Text sort5239
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