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1412008-05-21How to remove/delete following text containing various time?Advanced search and replace2910
1352008-05-19How to remove/delete all symbols in a text file?Advanced search and replace4132
1302008-05-18How to delete duplicate lines of a text file?Advanced search and replace8044
972008-05-13How to remove/delete specified lines such as 1,2,3 and 9,11,13,15,... in a text file?Advanced search and replace2889
812008-05-11How to remove/delete all English characters/letters in a text file?Advanced search and replace3860
782008-05-11How to remove/delete all text between '1:' and 'user:'?Advanced search and replace3136
652008-05-06How to remove/delete all blank lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace10669
622008-05-06How to remove/delete all words other than 'this','that' and 'how' in a file?Advanced search and replace3323
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