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7572011-04-02How to convert date format from "March 9, 2009 at 4:26pm" to defined format?Advanced search and replace3090
7422011-03-21How to batch rename files replacing a hex epoch time with human translated time? Batch file rename3722
6272010-10-11How to remove all lines in file b.txt that appearred in a.txt?Text file parser3695
3922010-01-15How to copy many files that defined in a list file to another folder?Batch file rename4378
3862010-01-08How to search and replace multiple terms with 1 common term in text file?Regular expression replace3523
3352009-05-25How to calculate sub-total for each group with user-defined number of lines?Text data calculation3165
3082008-12-25How to count how many vowels and consonants inside a text file?Count and statistics3689
3072008-12-23How to count how many characters, punctuations in a text file?Count and statistics4483
2722008-09-24How to automatically generate all the date and time in a months by the interval of 30 minutes?Advanced search and replace2787
1892008-06-14How to sort all lines of text by specified keyword?Text sort4581
1662008-05-30How to join groups of lines together in a text file according to user defined rule?Advanced search and replace3182
1262008-05-18How to generate a random binary sequence matrix?Random word generator4782
732008-05-09How to rename file by sequence id with specified pre-defined order?Batch file rename3451
602008-05-06How to make following user defined format conversion?Advanced search and replace3509
482007-11-24Convert text file to HTMLHtml text generator5626
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