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2012008-06-24How can I add a word before the last 10 characters of each line?Advanced search and replace3110
8452011-08-31How to count the appearance of 100 most commonly used words in an article?Count and statistics3107
12742014-12-16How to decrease the first 4 digits in the beginning of each line by 1000?Text data calculation3105
9122012-02-04How to delete the last 3 words only if the first line has 8 words or more?Advanced search and replace3100
11522013-12-04How to randomly insert a word or phrase x number of times into text files?Advanced search and replace3058
7902011-05-28How to replace only one occurrence of string in text randomly?Advanced search and replace3056
6482010-11-04How to generate a vocabulary file base on any text file with English articles?Advanced search and replace3051
2672008-09-15How to remove/delete all lines with three symbol '='?Advanced search and replace3018
13072015-05-26How to remove duplicate column in each line?Advanced search and replace3017
7962011-06-09How to count the number of records for each month in a web log file?Count and statistics2972
3412009-06-28I installed the replace pioneer but I cannot run, what happened?Advanced search and replace2950
11022013-07-10How to insert 3 to 10 words "ABC" into random position between any 2 words?Advanced search and replace2922
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation2921
11752014-02-17How to sort randomly(shuffle) all paragraphs that separated by ## in multiple files?Advanced search and replace2919
6052010-09-06How to count the number of ( A )...( F ) from a text file of survey?Count and statistics2919
1442008-05-22Can I make statistics of each lines, tell how many times the digit of '1' to '5' are appeared?Count and statistics2904
8232011-07-20How to count the number of words with different length in an English article?Count and statistics2893
10402012-12-24How to join first half of One line with last half of another?Advanced search and replace2892
13472016-02-22How to count the consecutive lines with the same pattern?Count and statistics2861
4522010-03-19How to count the occurrance of each bytes from 00-FF in a binary file?Count and statistics2823
13662016-05-23How to count the number of specified part in each line?Count and statistics2812
13122015-07-17How to delete the same field in each line?Advanced search and replace2707
5922010-08-18How to replace digit "d" that appeared "n" times with format of d(n)?Advanced search and replace2697
4892010-04-26How to convert columns of data into SQL statement for mysql database?Advanced search and replace2667
12502014-09-15How to Random insert one or three line to a text file?Advanced search and replace2528
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