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10822013-05-24How to convert list of hexadecimal to binary ?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3640
6952011-01-10How to convert the decimal IP address into binary format with 0 and 1?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4243
2802008-10-13How to change text file with hexidecimal format into original binary file?Search replace binary9375
2792008-10-12How to change a binary file into text file with readable hexidecimal format?Search replace binary9238
2002008-06-23Is it possible to convert all the hexadecimal figures in a file to plain readable code?Advanced search and replace3945
742008-05-09How to convert binary data in many text file to hexdecimal data?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4102
512007-11-25Convert a text from binary to hexBin Hex Oct Dec converter5552

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