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14682024-01-18How to encode normal URL?Advanced search and replace2165
14562021-02-16How to delete blocks of text containing a specified string?Advanced search and replace1746
14372019-03-04How to remove phrases not containing any dictionary word?Advanced search and replace2738
14292018-11-22How to extract and format sentences matching given word list?Advanced search and replace2487
14242018-10-09How to find sentences that match Chinese(UTF-8 encoding) characters?Text file parser2214
14172018-05-01How to make lines with specified string lowercase in a bunch of text files?Replace text in multiple files2667
13842016-12-05How to insert a separator before the first Chinese char in each line?Advanced search and replace2948
13792016-09-24How to pick up lines containing specified suffix from many files in a folder?Text file parser2895
13762016-07-24How to extract all lines not containing 'ing' and 'and'?Text file parser3244
13722016-06-12How to find files containing abc in folder f1 and move to folder f2?Batch file rename3454
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3443
13612016-04-11How to remove all lines containing key-board letters only?Advanced search and replace3065
13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2553
13582016-04-06How to join same language lines into 1 line in a text file?Advanced search and replace2749
13522016-03-14How split words from file where all words are joined without spaces?Text file parser2957
13212015-11-03How to extract random lines containing specified words?Text file parser3025
12952015-04-10How to delete all lines containing specific word in specific column?Advanced search and replace3012
12622014-10-27How to download a list of image files and rename them?Batch download3748
12172014-07-09How to batch replace files with specified format in each line?Advanced search and replace3647
12092014-06-28How to add number at end according to domain name at the begin of line?Advanced search and replace2981
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3310
11682014-01-17How to batch download webpage as UTF-8 text file?Batch download3753
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3770
11142013-08-12How to copy a line containing specified word and insert between line 1 and 2?Replace text in multiple files3467
11012013-07-10How to generate files from template file, where some variables come from a list?Text generator3780
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