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14282018-11-14How to convert a list of phone numbers to required format?Advanced search and replace2429
14262018-11-09How to batch convert word docx files to txt files?Text file parser2094
14162018-03-23How to convert an normal script to batch running script? Advanced search and replace2811
13612016-04-11How to remove all lines containing key-board letters only?Advanced search and replace3061
13342016-01-05How to remove lines from file B.csv with first column come from file A.csv?Text file parser2943
13322015-12-17How to compare and get the difference between numbers of two file?Text data calculation2947
13242015-11-16How to convert invalid charcters in csv file?Character encoding3208
13042015-05-03How to replace the User-Defined lines of A text from B text?Advanced search and replace2789
12952015-04-10How to delete all lines containing specific word in specific column?Advanced search and replace3002
12622014-10-27How to download a list of image files and rename them?Batch download3744
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2681
12022014-05-05How to extract all lines in which first 2 columns are identical?Text file parser3272
11862014-03-17How to delete all columns with more than 8 words in text file?Advanced search and replace3128
11772014-02-19How to generate hex number from 0101-7FFF, 0102-7FFF and so on?Text generator3582
11272013-09-08How to extract all text that enclosed by and ?Text file parser3203
11152013-08-13How to remove all paragraphs(lines) that only contain single sentence?Replace text in multiple files3447
10872013-06-15How to rename files to the first and last line of file contents?Batch file rename4090
9872012-08-08How to rename files according to a given mapping list?Batch file rename4438
8522011-09-09How to filter out all web pages that does not contain specified words?Text file parser3539
8502011-09-06How to extract company name ended with "co ltd" from many website?Text file parser3324
7512011-03-27How to batch append the columns of file A and B if third columns are identical?Advanced search and replace3378
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3418
7092011-01-29How to sort each line of text by the order of reversed line?Text sort3854
6932011-01-07How to sort lines of text file by comparing the sum of column1, 2 and 3?Text sort4379
6712010-12-04How to compare two folders and merge files which have same file names by column?Text merge3748
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