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14462019-10-28How to rename files with part of first line in file content?Batch file rename2611
14432019-08-09How to multiply numbers in each line after a certain comma?Advanced search and replace2615
14392019-07-15How to sort csv files by two or more columns?Text sort2084
14342019-01-22How to rearrange columns of comma seperated file?Advanced search and replace2861
13932017-06-09How to do binary file search and replace with regular expression?Search replace binary2845
13552016-03-21How to remove commas and replace with a single space?Regular expression replace2964
13372016-01-27How to capitalize all words except some stop words?Advanced search and replace2215
13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2825
13262015-11-21How to substract one csv file from another according to value of column A?Advanced search and replace2834
13252015-11-18How to set column N according to content of column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2759
13202015-10-28How to replace commas with hash symbols for lines contain more than two commas? Advanced search and replace2577
13042015-05-03How to replace the User-Defined lines of A text from B text?Advanced search and replace2782
13032015-04-27How to split a string (text + number) at the last number?Advanced search and replace2775
12772015-01-26How to find out in each line which words in the list appear?Advanced search and replace2807
12672014-12-07How to find all commas in between text tag and replace with br tag?Advanced search and replace2434
12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2720
11882014-03-28How to replace "ou" with "i", where "ou" has more than 2 comma before it?Advanced search and replace3071
11512013-12-04How to extract 3,4,5th columns from csv file and replace comma with space?Text file parser3330
11502013-12-02How to batch split file delimitered by second comma in each line?Text file splitter4124
11432013-10-28How to extract numbers in specified position and join with comma?Text file parser3363
10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3649
10742013-04-26How to transpose(exchange row and column) a comma separated text file?Advanced search and replace3383
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace3123
10562013-02-17How to change the order of comma delimited sentence fragments randomly?Text sort3805
10192012-10-27How to change delimiter of the csv file from semicolon to comma with quota?Advanced search and replace3111
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