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13862016-12-28How to extract column 1 and 7 from csv files and replace each dash with space?Text file parser3316
12752015-01-03How to extract the forth column in the second line from different files?Text file parser3235
11342013-09-20How to merge columns of 2 files with the same name in different folder?Text merge4002
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge4031
8422011-08-26How to remove some specified characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5842
7982011-06-12How to copy column A to column D if column D is blank(absent) in a csv file?Regular expression replace2903
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3390
4222010-02-16How to batch rename files with the first word of file contents?Batch file rename4489
3342009-05-20How to merge two text file base on the value of first column and do sort?Text merge4583
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3593
1932008-06-18How to remove/delete all underscores in filenames of all files in a directory?Batch file rename14516

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