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14552020-12-17How to batch combine multiple files into single files?Replace text in multiple files1937
14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3408
13932017-06-09How to do binary file search and replace with regular expression?Search replace binary2826
13572016-03-29How to match same lines between 2 files and combine the line followed?Text merge3199
13562016-03-22How to combine multiple pairs of text files line by line?Text merge3340
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2952
12902015-03-25How to mark out lines that do not match pre-defined condition? Advanced search and replace2459
12632014-11-08How to get a N*M lines file, given a N-line file and a M-line file?Text generator2989
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2656
12452014-09-08How to batch download UTF-8 files?Batch download3792
11382013-09-25How to generate full combinations of "a b" where a and b are from 2 different files?Text generator3393
10822013-05-24How to convert list of hexadecimal to binary ?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3603
10762013-05-03How to find out utf8-BOM encoded files among many files in a folder?Character encoding4073
10452013-01-19How to clean a text file by removing hi-bit characters and binary garbage?Regular expression replace3775
9982012-08-26How to apply ROT18 encryption algrithm on multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files3360
9922012-08-19How to put artist into ID3 tag in multiple mp3 files?Search replace binary3617
9792012-07-24How to add a new line return after specified char combinations?Regular expression replace3359
9182012-02-12How to batch rename files from file content after Title and Author?Batch file rename4186
8662011-10-06How to remove the xml tag and some duplicated tags of combined xml files?Regular expression replace3977
8602011-09-24How to combine multiple vcard file(vcf) into one single text/csv file?Replace text in multiple files21138
8482011-09-04How to join many binary files to one single file with specified order?Text merge4822
7972011-06-11How to add a fixed number on all hexadecimal bytes?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3276
7882011-05-24How to create many different html files base on a given template? Html text generator4264
7872011-05-23How to delete a list of files from a directory and subdirectories?Advanced search and replace3374
7842011-05-20How to convert the text from hex format to ascii format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3689
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