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2002008-06-23Is it possible to convert all the hexadecimal figures in a file to plain readable code?Advanced search and replace3755
8722011-10-13How to search and replace strings in multiple utf-8 encoded text files?Character encoding4603
6532010-11-12How to replace file content in multiple files with corresponding filename?Replace text in multiple files4782
10142012-10-08How to remove the "." and following strings from multiple filenames?Batch file rename3658
9112012-02-01How to remove a string of characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5377
7872011-05-23How to delete a list of files from a directory and subdirectories?Advanced search and replace3220
3182009-02-16How to create a serial files from a template file with "_TAG_" replaced by different strings?Advanced search and replace3622
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4439
11942014-04-17How to batch rename files by remove everything after specificed string?Batch file rename3806
4982010-05-05How to batch extract ascii text from multiple binary files, such as exe files?Text file parser4770
3672009-12-15How can I replace the 3rd lines of many files to a fixed string?Replace text in multiple files3117
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3826

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