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5932010-08-19How to extract multiple webpages and save all text into text files?Batch download7319
4912010-04-28How to find out all files that contain all words of A, B and C?Advanced search and replace3366
4852010-04-22How to find out all files that contain both A and B and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace3206
4652010-04-01How to batch download jpg files that listed in an excel file in order?Batch download22051
4422010-03-09How to move all image files with the width greater than height?Batch file rename3479
3992010-01-18How to batch download images from some html pages and rename all?Batch download4434
3922010-01-15How to copy many files that defined in a list file to another folder?Batch file rename4378
3672009-12-15How can I replace the 3rd lines of many files to a fixed string?Replace text in multiple files3117
3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files2805
3622009-12-09How to batch rename files in different folders and move them to a common folder?Batch file rename4014
3612009-12-05How to batch rename files by a filename mapping list?Batch file rename4755
2522008-08-18How to rename all txt files in many folders with format of "folder_(file_id).txt"?Batch file rename3617
1922008-06-17How to download all html and jpg files listed in a webpage?Batch download7418
1782008-06-06Can I download by all url addresses which are listed in a text file?Batch download5045
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