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4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3953
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3233
4492010-03-16How to rename files to the last 10 chars of 3rd line of file content?Batch file rename3714
4422010-03-09How to move all image files with the width greater than height?Batch file rename3479
4412010-03-08How to rename many MP3 files with format of artist_track_album.mp3?Batch file rename3370
4362010-03-03How to swap the first part and second part of many filenames?Batch file rename3875
4352010-03-02How to batch rename files by adding timestamp of current time?Batch file rename6184
4302010-02-24How to batch change html filenames with name enclosed by ?Batch file rename3104
4222010-02-16How to batch rename files with the first word of file contents?Batch file rename4311
4092010-02-01How to batch rename image files by adding picture width and height?Batch file rename3519
4042010-01-26How to sort the files by number, and batch rename them?Batch file rename3747
3842010-01-06How to batch rename files from format ABC12.txt to ABC0012.txt?Batch file rename3589
3792009-12-31How to add MACD, EMA, FAST%K, SLOW%D columns for CSV file of stock data?Text data calculation3564
3762009-12-28Is there a way to batch rename files by capitalizing each word? Batch file rename3655
3752009-12-27How to batch rename files by replacing all initial letter of 'S' with 'N' ?Batch file rename3177
3722009-12-22How to batch reorganize stock data from CSV to TXT and add MACD and EMA?Advanced search and replace2876
3712009-12-21How to produce two new columns: MACD(12,26) and MACD EMA(9) on stock data?Text data calculation2963
3682009-12-17How to batch replace word "old" in many files with different words "new1","new2",...?Replace text in multiple files2902
3612009-12-05How to batch rename files by a filename mapping list?Batch file rename4755
3512009-09-01How to rename files by adding folder name ahead and sequence behind?Batch file rename3713
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3826
3472009-08-25How to batch rename files by adding random letters behind?Batch file rename4030
3452009-07-27How to batch rename files like 123123N-2(COPY).JPG to 123123-1.jpgBatch file rename3655
3272009-04-07How to rename many mp3 files to the format like artist-title.mp3?Batch file rename3585
3252009-04-01How to rename a group of files like 1.swf, 2.swf, ... to the names of name1.swf, name2.swf ... which come from an index file?Batch file rename2708
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