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14542020-07-16How to extract content between 2-1000 lines from multiple txt files?Text file parser2554
14382019-06-24How to extract specified text from pdf files?Advanced search and replace2093
14252018-11-09How to batch extract A1~A5 from txt file to a single file?Text file parser3007
13922017-04-14How to extract tables from many html files into one csv file?Text file parser3298
13912017-04-14How to batch extract html title from files and link to the file?Text file parser3150
13862016-12-28How to extract column 1 and 7 from csv files and replace each dash with space?Text file parser3199
13502016-03-03How to extract info from xml value and generate a new format text?Advanced search and replace2466
13182015-10-08How to join corresponding line of multiple text files with specified format?Text generator3027
12752015-01-03How to extract the forth column in the second line from different files?Text file parser3125
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3239
11672014-01-13How to batch extract specified words from one txt file with specified name?Text file parser3634
11592013-12-15How to extract all data followed by specified words from many files?Text file parser3818
11582013-12-14How to extract all data like ##.##-##.## from many files?Text file parser3253
11242013-09-02How to extract last 100 lines from multiple files?Text file parser4324
11212013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters after first ''' from multiple files?Text file parser3234
11202013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters form multiple .txt.files?Text file parser3681
11152013-08-13How to remove all paragraphs(lines) that only contain single sentence?Replace text in multiple files3354
11092013-07-19For each word in list, how to extract all lines contain the word and save to word.txt?Text file parser3366
11082013-07-19How to extract all lines that contain specified words or phrases?Text file parser5433
10702013-04-10How to extract the artist and album information from mp3 files?Text file parser3534
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3821
10122012-10-06How to extract all links of a webpage periodically and save to file?Batch download4328
10042012-09-11How to rip out all but line 1 and specified text?Text file parser3403
10002012-09-04How to extract all sentences that contain special keyword from multiple articles?Text file parser4276
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3639
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