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14602021-04-24How to add capitalized filename into beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files2753
14552020-12-17How to batch combine multiple files into single files?Replace text in multiple files1981
13912017-04-14How to batch extract html title from files and link to the file?Text file parser3275
12972015-04-15How to duplicate a line and change midi to mp3 in many files?Replace text in multiple files3209
12782015-01-31How to batch insert file name in the text?Replace text in multiple files3187
12692014-12-08How to apply my own shuffle algrithm on multiple files?Replace text in multiple files2851
12352014-08-23How to batch insert part of the filename into the file content?Replace text in multiple files3350
11592013-12-15How to extract all data followed by specified words from many files?Text file parser3947
11582013-12-14How to extract all data like ##.##-##.## from many files?Text file parser3340
11242013-09-02How to extract last 100 lines from multiple files?Text file parser4455
11222013-08-30How to skip multiples of 100 lines and extract the last 1-100 lines?Text file parser3481
11032013-07-11How to batch replace files and save the result to new files?Advanced search and replace3515
10912013-07-01How to batch insert filename at start/beginning of each lines?Advanced search and replace3617
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge4031
10552013-02-17How to add alt attribute for all img tags in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3949
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3281
9422012-04-30How to extract all lines that contain "abc" from multiple files?Text file parser4210
9312012-03-27How to split a file into multiple files with ======= as separator?Text file splitter5112
9292012-03-24How to generate a list of picture names and put into a csv file?Text generator4391
8722011-10-13How to search and replace strings in multiple utf-8 encoded text files?Character encoding4803
8682011-10-08How to create an index page for all html files under a folder/directory?Html text generator4275
8642011-09-30How to download multiple webpages with part of url as filename?Batch download4767
8322011-08-02How to add filename as a new column for multiple csv/txt files?Replace text in multiple files3931
8312011-08-01How to extract and join text from multiple files with user defined format?Text file parser3792
8162011-07-06How to insert 100 different lines into the beginning of 100 text files?Replace text in multiple files5244
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