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12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2536
12092014-06-28How to add number at end according to domain name at the begin of line?Advanced search and replace2785
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3104
11972014-04-29How to take part of the first line and insert them in text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3285
11662014-01-10How to add h2 tag for all sub-title lines in text file?Replace text in multiple files3149
9702012-07-12How to search/replace multiple text files base on rules from csv file?Replace text in multiple files4826
9662012-07-03How to count the number of lines under each specified pattern?Count and statistics3341
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3091
9192012-02-13How to add a leading zero to all 4 digit numbers in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3244
9122012-02-04How to delete the last 3 words only if the first line has 8 words or more?Advanced search and replace3087
9092012-01-28How to replace the same words in text files with different strings?Advanced search and replace3571
9072012-01-26How to search replace multiple files with distinct search replace definition for each?Replace text in multiple files3489
7992011-06-13How to add one line after Sub or Function in the VBA Text File?Advanced search and replace2561
7832011-05-19How to replace a number with another number in same text file?Regular expression replace3392
7422011-03-21How to batch rename files replacing a hex epoch time with human translated time? Batch file rename3722
7002011-01-18How to modify multiple binary files by removing bytes starts from 206?Search replace binary3250
6602010-11-21How to merge two or more files which have same file names?Text merge4081
6562010-11-17How to reverse all the space-separated columns in many text file?Advanced search and replace2946
6552010-11-16How to extract titles from many html files into a txt file?Html text generator4823
6542010-11-15How to remove/delete first column for multiple files?Replace text in multiple files4167
6152010-09-19How to delete the first 1-10 lines in many files? Advanced search and replace4198
4702010-04-07How to modify multiple binary files by reversing every bit inside them?Search replace binary3578
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3953
3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files2805
3542009-09-23How to replace the second character of every line to 4 in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3266
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