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3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files2805
3172009-02-14Why does double quotation mark not work(before version 2.5)?Advanced search and replace3210
2722008-09-24How to automatically generate all the date and time in a months by the interval of 30 minutes?Advanced search and replace2787
2602008-08-28How to capitalize the first words of each sentence automatically?Advanced search and replace3386
2412008-08-05How to add xml tags for text file containing personal data information?Advanced search and replace2872
2202008-07-12How to batch strip(remove) utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace8659
2182008-07-10How to download all jpg pictures from a web page, and automatically save as files like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, ...?Batch download3833
2152008-07-07How to automatically add Previous/Next links at the top of each static html files from A001.html to A200.html?Advanced search and replace2977
1902008-06-15How to automatically remove/delete search engine visiting records in a website traffic log file?Advanced search and replace2856
1862008-06-11How to automatically join many email address by ';' to generate a 'send to' list?Advanced search and replace3005
1832008-06-09How to analyze a log file and find out how many lines contain 'Pass' and how many lines contain 'Fail'?Count and statistics3290
1562008-05-25How to add some text before each paragraph automatically?Advanced search and replace3321
1542008-05-24Is there a way to automatically convert the currency in a text file to another?Advanced search and replace3156
1472008-05-22Is there a way to make word editing automatically, such as adding a "!" after each word?Advanced search and replace3037
1242008-05-17How to import a list of urls to IE favorate automatically?Advanced search and replace5580
1062008-05-15How to detect encoding type of a text file automatically?Character encoding13759
982008-05-14How to make html tags for image file list automatically?Advanced search and replace3634
752008-05-11How to split every file in a directory automatically?Text file splitter3371
642008-05-06How to remove/delete ending spaces of all lines automatically?Advanced search and replace4091
452007-11-24How to convert/change a file from gbk to utf-8(utf8)?Character encoding7742
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