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14642022-01-22How to calculate one column base on value of another column?Text data calculation3018
14092017-12-10How to highlight words appeared in same line in another file?Advanced search and replace2711
13922017-04-14How to extract tables from many html files into one csv file?Text file parser3384
13902017-02-18How to split a text file with specified start and end line and name?Text file splitter3569
13772016-08-07How to replace the quoted text with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3133
13752016-07-17How to remove all lines that can be found in another file?Advanced search and replace2819
13292015-12-13How to keep double newline and replace single newline with space?Regular expression replace3115
13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2806
13262015-11-21How to substract one csv file from another according to value of column A?Advanced search and replace2815
13252015-11-18How to set column N according to content of column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2741
13182015-10-08How to join corresponding line of multiple text files with specified format?Text generator3098
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace2989
12772015-01-26How to find out in each line which words in the list appear?Advanced search and replace2792
12762015-01-06How to replace strings in one file with words from another file sequentially?Advanced search and replace3014
12562014-09-29How to update values in xml file according to values from another xml?Advanced search and replace2830
12552014-09-29How to remove the first part of format A_B_A in each word?Regular expression replace3034
12312014-08-12How to add or subtract a value to a number in a line with a particular word?Text data calculation2935
12302014-08-09How to fill in one xml file with elements from another xml file?Advanced search and replace2895
12242014-08-02How to replace each line with line have same start word from another file?Advanced search and replace2913
11622013-12-24How to replace everything outside brackets with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3416
11602013-12-15How to change all word1 inside(or outside) bracket to word2?Advanced search and replace3098
11502013-12-02How to batch split file delimitered by second comma in each line?Text file splitter4095
11472013-11-17How to detect encoding of text file and convert it to another encode?Character encoding4233
11442013-10-28How to batch split file delimitered by first dash in each line?Text file splitter4239
10992013-07-09How to move all files whose names are ended with numbers to another folder?Batch file rename3637
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