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13682016-05-23How to extract and join first words from adjacent lines?Text file parser2961
13672016-05-23How to extract different part from adjacent lines?Text file parser2741
13462016-02-21How to calculate time difference of two adjacent and matched lines?Text data calculation2646
8762011-10-19How to remove/delete consecutive duplicate lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace4160
8362011-08-11How to calculate the number of days between every two adjacent dates?Advanced search and replace3186
7892011-05-27How to split a csv file according to the value of column A?Text file splitter4656
6512010-11-09How to add the numbers together in every 2 adjacent lines in text file?Regular expression replace4767
4602010-03-27How to replace adjacent multiple spaces in a text files into one tab?Regular expression replace4718
3092008-12-26How to merge adjacent lines having same value in column one in CSV files?Text merge3690

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