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14662023-02-15How to rename all the files by appending the calculated file size?Batch file rename2471
14472019-11-02How to split/parse lines into sentences outside two delimiters?Text file parser2609
13232015-11-12How replace the words with specified format by adding a number?Advanced search and replace2561
12622014-10-27How to download a list of image files and rename them?Batch download3738
12142014-07-07How to rename files by adding specified strings at specified position?Batch file rename3458
10882013-06-21How to append strings between h2 tags to the end of multiple filename?Batch file rename3503
9582012-06-10How to batch rename PDF files with the date inside the file?Batch file rename5039
7132011-02-06How to wrap text by adding return but without breaking words?Advanced search and replace3185
6982011-01-13How to convert many text files from encoding utf8 to utf8-BOM?Character encoding16570
6352010-10-22How to batch rename mp3 files by adding artist name behind?Batch file rename5179
5772010-07-31How to rename all the files by adding the file size after filename?Batch file rename3630
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace3020
5232010-05-31How to change multiple files, adding filename at the beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files4796
5062010-05-12How to batch rename files by adding parenthesis for each number?Batch file rename3680
5032010-05-09How to batch rename html files to the content that between a pair of h2 tags?Batch file rename4257
4862010-04-23How to change the number part of many filenames by adding some specified value?Batch file rename3505
4802010-04-17How to batch rename text files by adding the value of file content to filename?Batch file rename4185
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename4095
4352010-03-02How to batch rename files by adding timestamp of current time?Batch file rename6356
4092010-02-01How to batch rename image files by adding picture width and height?Batch file rename3676
3512009-09-01How to rename files by adding folder name ahead and sequence behind?Batch file rename3890
3472009-08-25How to batch rename files by adding random letters behind?Batch file rename4218
2872008-10-29How to add a komma (,) after first and second words in each line?Advanced search and replace3040
2822008-10-17How to batch change a lot of xml files, adding all by 1?Advanced search and replace3559
2422008-08-06How to align text to the right side in each line by adding spaces at the left?Advanced search and replace2908
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