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6472010-11-03How to format the CSV file to make each line has same number of elements?Advanced search and replace2622
6402010-10-27How to count the number of words for many files and append result to each file?Replace text in multiple files3427
6372010-10-24How to replace multiple text in multiple files with variable strings?Replace text in multiple files3590
6362010-10-22How to add a space at the specific location of each line?Advanced search and replace3463
6352010-10-22How to batch rename mp3 files by adding artist name behind?Batch file rename4974
6322010-10-15how to add several words such as @socks5 in the end of each line?Advanced search and replace3661
6312010-10-15How to batch add utf8 BOM for many files? (with Replace Pioneer new version)Replace text in multiple files7942
6232010-10-02How to count the number of words that ended with "ing" in a text file?Count and statistics3540
6182010-09-22How to delete lines 1-9, 21, 24 from many files?Replace text in multiple files3424
6052010-09-06How to count the number of ( A )...( F ) from a text file of survey?Count and statistics2904
6012010-08-30How to add a '*' at the beginning of each line that contains keyword "PASS"?Advanced search and replace2762
5962010-08-24How to count the number of words that start with "ea" in a text file?Count and statistics3323
5952010-08-23How to find bytes 0xAB**CD and replace with 0xCD**AB in multiple binary files?Search replace binary3578
5932010-08-19How to extract multiple webpages and save all text into text files?Batch download7320
5892010-08-15How to count the number of english words that has specified number of chars?Count and statistics3220
5812010-08-05How to search and replace with multiple mapping rules by regular expression?Regular expression replace3366
5772010-07-31How to rename all the files by adding the file size after filename?Batch file rename3415
5762010-07-29How to add sequence number for each non-blank line of a text file?Advanced search and replace3642
5742010-07-27How to count how many IP addresses with different classes from web logs?Count and statistics3199
5712010-07-23How to remove all the lines that with odd line number for multiple files?Advanced search and replace3713
5672010-07-17How to delete everything starting specific bytes till the end in many files?Search replace binary3703
5642010-07-14How to clone 1000 html files from one html but with increasing number in title?Advanced search and replace2925
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace2888
5582010-07-07How to parse all the fields in different segment from a text file?Text file parser3332
5562010-07-05How to add a number and remove "new line" for each segment separated by "@"?Advanced search and replace2581
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