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14682024-01-18How to encode normal URL?Advanced search and replace2000
14662023-02-15How to rename all the files by appending the calculated file size?Batch file rename2423
14642022-01-22How to calculate one column base on value of another column?Text data calculation3018
14602021-04-24How to add capitalized filename into beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files2711
14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3407
14512020-01-28How to search and capitalize title in multiple HTML files?Replace text in multiple files2897
14482019-12-25How to remove all Upper Case letters?Regular expression replace2269
14362019-02-26How merge many txt files to a txt file horizontally?Text merge2554
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2434
14302018-12-18How to split a text file according to specified tags?Text file splitter2452
14182018-07-20How to keep all lines with 6 letters or numbers and at most 2 letter?Regular expression replace2143
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2401
13692016-06-07How to generate permutation of all paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2706
13532016-03-16How to format an English article will specified rules?Advanced search and replace2390
13512016-03-07How to split English sentence and Chinese sentence into different lines?Advanced search and replace3168
13372016-01-27How to capitalize all words except some stop words?Advanced search and replace2199
13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2806
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2450
13162015-09-01How to sort some segments in xml file?Text sort3031
13082015-06-11How to replace letters with predefined numbers in a text range?Advanced search and replace2703
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace2989
12962015-04-13How to batch rename files to the first date found in the files?Batch file rename3266
12862015-03-16How to find words without vowels and capitalize them?Advanced search and replace2148
12842015-03-04How to import a list of rules to replace multiple files?Regular expression replace3301
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3426
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