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13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2553
13492016-03-01How to copy the 2nd column to 4th column if 4th column is empty?Advanced search and replace2504
13452016-02-17How to remove lines where the last column does not match column 4?Advanced search and replace2513
13432016-02-16How to count the number of non-empty columns?Advanced search and replace2436
13422016-02-16How to make a subtraction of the specified time string?Text data calculation2592
13412016-02-16How to remove paragraphs with different 4th column and last column in second line?Text file parser2639
12822015-02-25How to extract specified lines in different section of text file?Text file parser3157
12112014-07-02How to find maximum and minimum number out of specified column?Advanced search and replace2962
11652013-12-29How to replace the 4th column if the 5th column is 0?Advanced search and replace3275
10842013-06-03How to remove all lines whose 4th column enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Advanced search and replace3322
6822010-12-21How to delete the 4th column from text files with 8 columns?Advanced search and replace3653
6702010-12-03How to add some number to the specific column in csv file?Text data calculation3411
6522010-11-11How to rename mutiple files with the 3rd and 4th line in file content?Batch file rename4039
2452008-08-09How to replace the last occurance of some text like 'abc' to 'def' in a text file?Advanced search and replace3092
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename8052
1852008-06-11How to extract text from 'start' to 'end' in each line?Text file parser3771

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