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3162009-02-11What is the possible cause of file being truncated and very slow replacement?Advanced search and replace2747
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace2887
13872017-01-01How to split multiple text files by 100 lines?Text file splitter3245
752008-05-11How to split every file in a directory automatically?Text file splitter3369
8412011-08-25How to split a text file into multiple files with maximum 100k bytes?Text file splitter4285
5072010-05-13How to split a large text file into specified various number of lines?Text file splitter3960
2962008-11-16How to split a large text file into small files with maximum 1000 lines?Text file splitter3881
5502010-06-29How to split a file by every 100 lines, and put every 50 files into one folder?Text file splitter3702
10032012-09-09How to split a 100 line text file into 100 text files?Text file splitter4106
12182014-07-18How to sort paragraphs according to order of first date?Text sort3050
11222013-08-30How to skip multiples of 100 lines and extract the last 1-100 lines?Text file parser3270
5382010-06-17How to simulate the specified BER(bit error rate) on text file with 0 and 1 only?Random word generator2882
3542009-09-23How to replace the second character of every line to 4 in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3266
5612010-07-09How to replace one part of html with corresponding part from another?Advanced search and replace3095
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2275
10712013-04-13How to replace content of many files with text from a template file?Advanced search and replace3679
4612010-03-28How to replace all OLD with NEW only in line 100 to line 300?Advanced search and replace3192
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3953
9872012-08-08How to rename files according to a given mapping list?Batch file rename4257
3252009-04-01How to rename a group of files like 1.swf, 2.swf, ... to the names of name1.swf, name2.swf ... which come from an index file?Batch file rename2708
9302012-03-26How to multiply every number by 1000 in a text file?Text data calculation4889
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge3782
13572016-03-29How to match same lines between 2 files and combine the line followed?Text merge3022
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3638
11052013-07-15How to make math calculation on columns and generate a new column of result?Text data calculation3123
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