User: caoyongrui -- 2012-03-29 << 931 933 >> |
Hits: 4879 |
Type: Text data calculation |
Search all Text data calculation examples |
Description: |
I want to change number of digit after the decimal point to 3 to round up or down. I have try but have no result. Thank you |
Input Sample: |
KPT, 1058, -12750.0000000 , 0.156137310112E-11, 800.423569 KPT, 1059, -12550.0000000 , -0.153688097405E-11, -800.2369852 KPT, 1060, -12150.0000000 , 0.148789671989E-11, 0.0236522 |
Output Sample: |
KPT, 1058, -12750.000 , 0.000, 800.424 KPT, 1059, -12550.000 , 0.000, -800.237 KPT, 1060, -12150.000 , 0.000, 0.024 |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
1. ctrl-o open text file 2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue * set 'search for pattern' to: * set 'replace with pattern' to: 3. click 'replace', done. 4. ctrl-s save to file. Note: the (E[+-]\d+)? is used for matching numbers with scientific notation. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
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Check Demo of Text data calculation |
Keywords: |
scientific notation round up decimal numbers matching round odd decimal number chin decimal toc batch round number up batch round up number decimal point batch calculation round up batch round number batch round decimal batch rounding numbers decimal places batch |