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86.Batch file rename -- How to rename all files by adding a letter 'x' behind each filename?

User: editor -- 2008-05-12          << 85  87 >>
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Type: Batch file rename   
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How to rename all files by adding a letter 'x' behind each filename?
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. Open "Tools->Batch Runner" menu.  
2. Click "Pick Files" or "Search Files" button to select multiple files for processing.  
3. Change "Set output filename" window from ${FILENAME} to:  
 and click 'Apply'  
Note: if you want to add sequence in filename, you can enter following as filename:  
4. Click 'File Rename' button, the operation will be done.

Screenshot 1:  Batch_Runner_Window

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