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682.Advanced search and replace -- How to delete the 4th column from text files with 8 columns?

User: editorli -- 2010-12-21          << 681  683 >>
Hits: 3640
Type: Advanced search and replace   
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How to delete the 4th column from text files with 8 columns?
Input Sample:
12  22  23  34  45  85  56  67 
Output Sample:
12  22  23  45  85  56  67 
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. open "Tools->Batch Runner" window 
2. drag multiple text files from "Windows" to "Batch Runner" window 
3. click "Fast Replace" button 
* click "Add", in "search", enter: 
* in "replace", enter: 
* click "ok" 
* make sure "regular exp" option is checked 
* click "Start", done.

Screenshot 1:  Fast_Replace_Window

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4th  columns  how to delete  delete  delet  dele  regular  del  regula  regular exp  delete multiple columns  delete columns from multiple files  delete column in multiple files  delete columns  delete column in text files  delete text from multiple files  delete column  column delete