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462.Advanced search and replace -- How to change date format from 2010-03-25 to format like Mar-25-2010?

User: editor -- 2010-03-29          << 461  463 >>
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How to change date format from 2010-03-25 to format like Mar-25-2010?
Input Sample:
date1 2010-03-25 
date2 2010-02-28 
Output Sample:
date1 Mar-25-2010 
date2 Feb-28-2010 
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open source text file that containing the date. 
2. ctrl-h open replace window. 
* in 'search for pattern', enter: 
* in 'replace with pattern', enter: 
3. click 'Replace', done! 
4. ctrl-s save to disk. 
Note: please check on-line help(F1) or following page for syntax of formattime:
Download Script:  scripts/

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

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