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1425.Text file parser -- How to batch extract A1~A5 from txt file to a single file?

User: editor -- 2018-11-09          << 1424  1426 >>
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Type: Text file parser   
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How to batch extract A1~A5 from txt file to a single file? 
Files has following 2 format, note: In following data example: \r stands for CR(return)
Input Sample:
SHIPPER: \r\r 
SHIPPER: (A1)\r\r 
Output Sample:
SHIPPER: (A1),(A2),(A3),(A4),(A5) 
SHIPPER: (A1),(A2),(A3),(A4),(A5) 
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. open "Tools->Batch Runner" menu 
2. drag multiple txt files to "batch runner" window 
* click "Fast Replace" button open "Fast Replace" window 
* click "Add" to add new rules: 
* set "search" to: 
* set "replace" to: 
* click "ok" 
* make sure "reg exp", "cross line" and "extract" options are checked. 
* click "start", and click "save output to single file", done! 
Note: for csv file, to avoid separator confusion, you can add a pair of quote for each item, like: 

Screenshot 1:  Batch_Runner_Window

Screenshot 2:  Fast_Replace_Window

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