User: Rod Smith -- 2015-04-15 << 1296 1298 >> |
Hits: 3211 |
Type: Replace text in multiple files |
Search all Replace text in multiple files examples |
Description: |
Many thanks for your good work. I need to: Duplicate a line in many html files but with modifications. Many web pages with midi files to download need an additional URL to download an mp3 version of the file. The filenames are the same for the midi and mp3 and need to be retained but other text the folder name, file extension and url label need to be changed as shown. |
Input Sample: |
line 1 line 2 to nn <div class="dl"><a href="midis/filename.mid"> Download midi file</a></div> more lines... |
Output Sample: |
line 1 line 2 line to nn <div class="dl"><a href="midis/filename.mid"> Download midi file</a></div> <div class="dl"><a href="mp3/filename.mp3"> Download mp3 file</a></div> more lines... |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
1. open "Tools->Batch Runner" menu 2. drag multiple html files from windows file browser to "batch runner" window 3. click "Fast Replace" button. 4. click "add" to add new rule * set 'search' to: * set 'replace' to: click "ok" 5. click "start", done |
Screenshot 1: Fast_Replace_Window |