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1137.Advanced search and replace -- How to replace the certain column with specified words?

User: shanfeng -- 2013-09-24          << 1136  1138 >>
Hits: 3383
Type: Advanced search and replace   
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How to replace the certain column with words?
Input Sample:
a b c 
d e f
Output Sample:
a b 1 
d e 1
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open text file 
2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue 
* set 'replace unit' to 'Word' 
* set 'replace scope' to 'Line' 
* set 'unit number filter' to:  
* set 'replace with pattern' to the word you want to replace 
4. click 'replace', done. 
Note: you can change word delimiter in "replace" dialogue, "settings" tab.

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

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replace the certain column with words  replace the certain column  the certain column  specified words  delimiter  unit number filter  number filter  settings  setting  change word  replace certain word  replace certain text  tab delimiter  scope filter  words with number  replace number column  to delimiter  text pattern filter