User: liping -- 2013-09-02 << 1122 1124 >> |
Hits: 3599 |
Type: Text generator |
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Description: |
Please put 24 hours a day: Press: hours minutes seconds.html format to generate a list of all the time. Thank you |
Output Sample: |
For example: 00 00 00.html 00 00 01.html ... 00 00 59.html 00 01 00.html 00 01 01.html ... 00 01 59.html .... 00 59 00.html 00 59 01.html ... 00 59 59.html 01 00 00.html 01 00 01.html ... 01 00 59.html ..... 01 59 00.html 01 59 01.html ... 01 59 59.html ..... 23 00 00.html 23 00 01.html ... 23 00 59.html ... 23 59 00.html ... 23 59 59.html |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
1. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue 2. set 'replace with pattern' to: or 3. click 'replace', done. 4. ctrl-s save to file. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
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Check Demo of Text generator |
Keywords: |
606 600 minut seconds full list html format day full second map generate time generate full list replace time format time format generate list file replace generator file time generate file |