Replace Menu and Toolbar
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    Edit_Menu  Convert_Menu 

Replace Menu contain Replace and Log parts:






Replace Menu:


1. Replace => New a Replace command. See Replace Dialog for detail.


2. Replace by selected records => Refer to Re-do a replace according to realtime or history log


3. Replace by script => Refer to Creating and Using scripts


4. Replace by template => Refer to 6. Using replace script/template


5. Search Online Examples



Log Menu:


1. Open Log => Refer to Re-do a replace according to realtime or history log


2. Close Log => Close the log in current active log page.


3. Delete records => Delete the selected records


4. Save to Script => Refer to Creating and Using scripts


5. Append to Script => Refer to Creating and Using scripts