Pattern counter is designed to make text statistics on different patterns.
By selecting menu "Tools->Pattern Counter":
A "pattern counter" window is opened:
Pattern Counter supports following type of text source:
(1) Current page -- select option "Current Page"
(2) File -- select option "File/http", and enter a file name
(3) Webpage -- select option "File/http", and enter a WEB page address
(4) Selected Text -- select option "Current Page" and check "Selected Only" option
Pattern Counter also provides many pre-defined counter templates(samples):
* Characters, Words, Lines
* Letters, Vowels, Consonants
* Numbers, Punctuations, Spaces, Symbols
* Single-byte, Multi-byte chars
* Web addresses, Emails
* Braces,Brackets,Parenthesis,Angle brackets
* Number Ranges
* Lines Statistics
* Binary Bytes
* Colors
User can also make modification on system-defined patterns, or define new patterns:
Following are options allowed for patterns:
* User can click "Delete" or "Clear" button to remove one or all of the patterns in list.
* To Modify an exsiting pattern, user can click "Modify" button, and make change to Pattern Name and Format.
* To Add one or multiple patterns, user can click "Add" button, and enter Pattern Name and Format.
* User can also change Pattern sequence by click "Up" and "Down" button.
* User can import or export patterns by click "Import" and "Export" button, user can also drag pattern file and drop into pattern table to import the file.
Note: the standard import format is <name>xxx</name><pattern>xxx</pattern>, besides that, system supports automatically analyze file that delimitered by "table", "comma", "space", "|", ":", "=", if no delimiter is detected, a default name column will be generated.
Following options are supported for patterns:
[]Ignore case -- if this option is checked, all search character will ignore upper or lower cases
[]Regular expression -- if this option is checked, all pattern will be explained as Regular expression(some special characters will has special meaning)
[]Cross line -- if this option is checked, all pattern can apply to multi-line, such as abc.*?def will match abc and def in different line.
[]Binary file -- if this option is checked, files to check will be open in binary mode, and detailed result will be shown in Hex format.
[]Whole word -- if this option is checked, only whole word will be counted.
By clicking "Count", system will retrieve all patterns in the list, and show the count of each pattern:
By selecting on Pattern and clicking "Detail", system will calculate number of each different samples, user can also sort the result by the text or occurrance number, or click "copy" to copy the data into clipboard: