6. Using replace script/template
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    5._Change_and_Re-run_a_replace  7._Running_a_batch_Replacement_on_multifile 


How to Design a replace script:


To finish a complicate text conversion, a group of replace commands will be designed and save to a script, typically like:


Command 1: Input File > P0 > P1


Command 2: P1 > P2


Command 3: P2 > P3




Command N: PN-1 > PN > Output File


Note: Users are encouraged to use less commands to finish complicated tasks when they are much skilled.



How to Create and Run a Replace Script:


1. Select one or more records in "Realtime" window.


Click "Save To Script" tool button or popup menu




2. Enter Script name and click "Save", a Script is created


3. Click "Replace by Script" Button and select created script and click "Open".



4. A script file is loaded, you can finish the replace operation by referring steps 2,3,4,5 of 5. Change and Re-run a replace.



How to run a Replace Template:


1. Click "Replace by Template" Button and select desired pattern from menu.



2. Change the fields in the popup dialog to the value you need.


3. Click "OK", a replace Window will popup with some field already filled.


4. If you need no change, click "Replace", operation will be finished.



Note: If the replace scripts or template need to Load file to page in advance, you need manually do it before loading script/template.